Many Convincing Proofs

By Dr. Ron Jones
Luke the physician writes a record of the early church called the Acts of the Apostles. He tells his friend Theophilus how Jesus... read more

Jesus the Revolutionary

By Dr. Ron Jones
Jesus the revolutionary. That’s not the title by which we usually think of Jesus. Savior. Son of God. Son of Man. King of kings. Lord of... read more

The Right or the Left?

By Dr. Ron Jones
The Bible mentions three judgments at the end of the age. The Judgment Seat of Christ for believers (2 Corinthians 5:9-11), the Great White... read more

Are You a Sheep or a Goat?

By Dr. Ron Jones
My friend Debbie is a member of our ministry staff at the church where I serve as lead pastor. She and her husband Scott live on a farm in... read more

God's Money Managers

By Dr. Ron Jones
Jesus said the kingdom of heaven “will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted to them his property.”... read more

Faithful to the End

By Dr. Ron Jones
We live in a world that values winners not losers, successes not failures. And don’t even talk to me about faithfulness. Plain, old... read more

The Midnight Cry

By Dr. Ron Jones
More than once, the Bible describes the Second Coming of Jesus Christ as like “a thief in the night”. But that is not the only way the... read more

Here Comes the Bridegroom

By Dr. Ron Jones
In the Bible, God presents himself as a bridegroom betrothed to his bride. For example, the prophet Isaiah writes, “For your Maker is... read more

No More Excuses

By Dr. Ron Jones
“I’m too busy!’ ... read more

Thief in the Night

By Dr. Ron Jones
The element of surprise is a thief’s best friend. That’s why he works at night, when people aren’t expecting him to come. ... read more

The Day Christ Returns

By Dr. Ron Jones
“Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near”... read more

The Blessed Hope

By Dr. Ron Jones
Have you heard about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ? Are you ready for His soon return? Christians anticipate this event in Bible... read more
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“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG