When Jewish pilgrims made their way to Jerusalem for the annual festivals, they ascended Mount Zion using a songbook found in Psalm 120-134. In a CD called ELEVATE: Scripture Meditations from the Psalms of Ascent, Ron Jones narrates these powerful Scripture passages to beautiful acoustic melodies. These meditations will elevate your worship of the living God.
Playlist includes:
- Deliver Me, O Lord // Psalm 120
- I Lift Up My Eyes to the Hills // Psalm 121
- Let's Go to the House of the Lord // Psalm 122-123
- Our Help is in the Lord // Psalm 124
- The Lord Surrounds His People // Psalm 125
- The Lord Has Done Great Things // Psalm 126
- Unless the Lord Builds the House // Psalm 127
- Blessed is Everyone Who Fears the Lord Psalm 128
- Afflicted from My Youth // Psalm 129
- I Will Wait for the Lord // Psalm 130
- The Lord Has Chosen Us // Psalm 132
- When Brothers Dwell in Unity // Psalm 133
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