Thursday, March 30 @ 7:00pm EST
This FREE virtual travel experience will take you to the key sites of Holy Week on an immersive Easter-themed tour of Israel! Join live Thursday, March 30, 2023, at 7:00pm EST.
Experience Holy Week in a whole new way during a virtual Holy Land travel experience led by Dr. Ron Jones, an author, pastor, and Israel travel guide. You will be transported to the key sites of Easter week in an immersive live webinar featuring photos, videos, first-hand accounts, and Bible teaching.
Virtually visit these Holy Week sites via Zoom with Pastor Ron:
- Jerusalem
- Mount of Olives
- Southern Steps
- Dominus Flevit
- Upper Room
- Kidron Valley
- Garden of Gethsemane
- Caiaphas’s House
- Golgotha and the Garden Tomb
You will feel like you are there as Dr. Jones shares the history, archeology, stories, and biblical teaching associated with these sacred sites, preparing you for a meaningful week of holy observances.
Plus, at the end of the webinar, we will open the floor for questions and share information —plus exciting opportunities — for those who are interested in traveling to the Holy Land in person and experiencing these sites, and so many more, in real life!
Sign up to Visit the Holy Land Virtually with Dr. Ron Jones, happening on March 30 at 7:00pm EST via Zoom. FREE to join!
About Your Guide, Dr. Ron Jones

Ron Jones is a pastor, author, discipleship coach, and radio Bible teacher. His radio ministry, Something Good Radio, exists to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, make disciples, and strengthen the body of Christ through life-changing Bible teaching.
Through Something Good Travel, Ron and his wife, Cathryn, lead spiritual tours to biblical sites in Israel, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, and Jordan.
For more than two decades, Dr. Jones has devoted his life to leading and preaching in the local church. He currently serves as lead pastor of Atlantic Shores Baptist Church in Virginia Beach, Virginia, where he delivers his Bible teaching for everyday life.
A lifelong learner, Dr. Jones earned degrees from Purdue University, Dallas Theological Seminary, and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of The Ultimate Road Trip Through the Bible and Mysteries of the Afterlife: Exploring Its Amazing Secrets.
Through Something Good Travel, Ron and his wife, Cathryn, lead spiritual tours to biblical sites in Israel, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, and Jordan. They have been married for 28 years and live five minutes from their happy place, the beach. They have two adult children.