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The Route 66 Digital Library contains all of the digital resources associated with Route 66: The Ultimate Road Trip Through the Bible, the sermon series by Dr. Ron Jones that provides a thoughtful overview of each book of the Bible.
The Bible is the best-selling book of all time, but it can also be intimidating to read because it contains more than 600,000 words divided into 66 distinct books written by 40 authors in three languages over 1600 years. But how does it all fit together? In Route 66, Dr. Ron Jones takes us on the ultimate road trip through the Bible, pointing us to Jesus from Genesis to Revelation.
Your access to this free digital library ($275 value) comes with your purchase of The Ultimate Road Trip Through the Bible print books. Bookmark this page and return as often as you desire.
- 66 video sermons
- 66 audio messages
- 66 downloadable sermon notes
- 8 online courses (in development)
- 8 eBooks (below)
Road Trip 1: The Books of the Law eBook
Road Trip 2: The Old Testament Historical Books eBook
Road Trip 3: The Wisdom Books eBook
Road Trip 4: The Major Prophets eBook
Road Trip 5: The Minor Prophets eBook
Road Trip 6: The Gospels and the Early Church eBook