Romeo and Juliet. Mark Anthony and Cleopatra. Lancelot and Guinevere. Famous love stories―all of them. Do you believe in true love? 


Here's another one. Boaz and Ruth. You won't find their romance in any of Shakespeare's plays, but in the Bible. And there’s one more worth mentioning, Solomon and Shulamith. Their love story dates back three thousand years ago. The Song of Solomon reveals the secrets of a satisfying marriage. 


Marriage is the place where true love incubates and finds the freedom to fully express itself. True love is fragrant, tender, refreshing, and expressive. It dreams, protects, and waits. True love is also rare. Are you in love? Do you know what true love is and isn’t?

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“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG