In 1807, William Wordsworth drafted a poem titled, “Character of the Happy Warrior.” Who is the happy warrior? My vote is the Apostle Paul, who said while on trial, “I cheerfully make my defense” (Acts 24:10).

I’m not sure I could rise rhetorically or emotionally as well as Paul did, given the litany of false accusations against him. However, the inward light of the gospel of Jesus Christ shined brightly in the apostle no matter the adverse circumstances he faced.

Happy warriors make us believe in our most noble ideals. Virtuous and brave, they remain unflinching and cheerful, even in the face of adversity. Though attacked often, Paul never lost his joy in the Lord or sacrificed virtue. He remained gritty and graceful—a happy warrior, indeed!

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“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG